Bob's right. Atrium v2 by Upsilon and Skyzo v1 thread v2 thread
I need to talk to you on live, whenever you get a chance. I'll send a friend request because I have an idea that will hopefully make up for my...
The pictures do not say enough about the gameplay, it is absolutely amazing. The amount of unforced movement with the geometry allows you to take...
You obviously never played the map. Go try it out, it is an instant classic that is so incredibly underrated. Congrats Phuria and Nicka!
Not to be mean, but it seems as if some lines of sight might be a little to long for that area above^^^^ But other than that, all your structures...
yes, I agree
ok, well here is what I have so far, my brother wanted to play Halo Wars so I let him and got some food. Bad news, for some reason now my computer...
Hectic, I promised you a sketch-up and after about 15 restarts, I think I have an awesome design finally. I need to get home to actually start...
I asked Scarecrow to join the Pengiun Mafia forge team, and we are gonna be fixing alot of the the bumps, and change up alot of the map without...
I have a little to say about weapon placement, considering I find most maps have rather poor weapon placement and power weapon placement. Every...
1. Archaic by Hezbolla Hector (Seriously, best map I've ever played to date) 2. MLG Vestige v3 by Tanks 3. Diversity by TFx KiLl3r 4. Ravinia by...
The Limey review: Enjoyment: From the snipe festing and the havok of rockets during an intense king of the hill game, this is a prime example of...
Congrats Pulse, bout time your map finally get the attention it deserves!
Is testing at 7 PM EST?
Well, since my xbox won't recognize my hard drive and I lost all my computer data and designs in progress two days ago, here is one i managed to...
ok, my bad for being so slow lol
ok, so know i am just having a hard time finishing up. This is honestly a pain, just keep forginh it if you can and we can just start talking...
Hahaha, your map? I gave someone else permission to use the design, by ASKING me for consent. Thats all I really have to say, just delete this...
i dont know really, hopefully be sunday the latest
decently, just taking a whille