This is my Covenant Destroyer called Chaotic Serenity from Halo 3 that I brought to life on Reach. The ship is much larger than the original ever...
I'm liking what I'm seeing. I loved High Ground in Halo 3 so I'm going to download and take some time to walk around on it.
The wraiths are behind the wall enough that it is hard for them to see anything so it's more of a blind fire and if you try to aim to far down...
So this is my version of the what happened over in Europe on June 6, 1944. This date is also known as D-Day. I know this is the farthest thing...
Wow, thats a big coincidence. Good thing the maps have different layouts! :)
Hydrophobia - Download Here This is my first Reach map and I decided to make it off in the little bay near the red side of Hemorrhage. I do...
Thanks for the feedback I'll get to working on trying to implement a gametype into being playable on the map.
UNSC Colossus by: BloodierSpades Download Here General Description This is a UNSC Destroyer that I made in response to the amazing attention...
That is indeed the most important for us. I finally don't have to keep deleting good maps off of my HD!
[IMG] Chaotic Serenity by: BloodierSpades (me) Download Here Hello, this is a map that I have been refinishing over the past few days. It is a...
Drop Zone By: BloodierSpades(me) [IMG] Download Here Description Drop Zone is my first map that I ever posted on about a year ago and...
Calimport Download Map Infectious Download Game-type Okay so this is my second post here so I hope this is up to standards. DESCRIPTION...
Mine is BloodierSpades It came about in my hometown when some of my friends got a little clan going and they chose on the name The Bloodiers, but...
Alright thanks I'll try to participate in that one. Lets hope I don't get busy.
Ummm.. well i've been here awhile i've just never posted anything because I was trying to understand how to post maps and the works. I've finally...
This has been made for everything but Infection, King of the Hill, and Juggernaught but hasn't been tested very much so sure exactly how well it...
Cartesian Download Here DESCRIPTION Hello this is my first post here on ForgeHub so please tell me if I did something wrong. Anyways this is my...