I would Have Won If they didn't keep killing my teammates who weren't there. I got a Untouchable before i died with a 28 Kill streak. [IMG]
I don't want the armor. I like achievements. It looks good when it says 79 of 79 or 47 of 47
Twice, on endure, someone quit on the fourth set. Three times on annual, someone quit when the ship was in sight. Once on Deja Vu someone quit....
I got on today, and some guys had recon and wouldn't quit bragging about it. Then i told them to STFU, and after we won our game and they lost,...
Hobo Wrath 69 Central time one evryday around 4:00
GT: Hobo Wrath 69 Central time zone one everyday around 4:00 PM
I'm in the new mombasa streets, and i'm in a part where there are flashing police cars around me with their sirens going off. it says the beacon...
Hey i need help too GT Hobo Wrath 69 I get on everyday around 4:00 central time
I need some help with this achievement. I don't have enough friends willing to help me, so I decided to come here. I'm on almost every day, and i...
I can't figure out how to geomerge on any maps other than foundry because none of the other maps have Doors. How do you geomerge on Sandbox and...
I think Bungie should update the Pre-DLC maps with new immovable objects and update the heroic maps with filters. What do you think?
i already played on this map a couple weeks back. It was in Bungie Favorites and it was pretty fun.
With the FX i can't tell too much about it, but it looks fun to play on(i think it would be good with infection)i DL and see how it is
Bungie finally posted a screenshot of Sandbox!! [IMG]
you need some pictures or this thread will get locked