I agree. You see zero man cannons on 90% of maps because they just dont work right. If bungie fixed this it would open up so many horizons.
I think that I have the same problem. All of my friends that I play with and people that I play against seem to jump higher than me. For example,...
Is there an easier way to adjust the angle of the man cannon other than tipping it slightly and then doing the save/quit method?
Okay.. Does no one read previous posts before they post themselves? While these problems may be caused by other things (group leader etc. etc.)...
Ok people. You're not understanding what's going on here. Its not gravity settings its not angle its not speed of approach its a bug. I set...
Does anyone know what happens if you use this and place a movable object merged with an immovable object? eg. merge a crate with a box.. does the...
I'm talking a series of tests running straight at it single player alone on a local box same full speed every time. 10/10 times i land right...
I actually found this post because I've been having this problem and its extremely frustrating. I am creating a map in which man cannons are...