This is partly true. You can only use it in forge unless someone finds out how to dummy something and keep it that way for the custom game. Every...
the kite. THE video was rendered. Click on the link that says download 640x360 WMV above bungie pro link. It took a few minutes to render so it...
1st it was the pelican... (flying elephant) 2nd it was the dophin (dingy and mongoose) What now? This new vechical is called.......
I don't understand what you are saying about one hit kill zombies. I didn't like that concept because you die too fast either way and its not any...
Well I called it shopping maul because each "room" is kind of like a store full of weapons as "goodies". You would travel to each place and get...
Finally a decent non-DLC map that anyone can play. So sit back and enjoy my explanation and kill some zombies. Whats that you say? Pre-DLC sucks?...
I am deeply aroused by the first map. You made it look so clean. I never actually thought of building a tunnel like map on that level because of...
Well I'd like to participate if thats ok. Not for the testing part but just to play on these maps. I'm doing mine as an objective map built...
Well let me put my 2 cents in. This is a VERY good idea however late. Mine is an objective kind of set up. You could trap the human in a plae...
Sorry to post if thats not allowed here but the name of my map is actually Nubish Rubish as seen on my bungie profile. Can we submit comments here?
Yeah I was having trouble with the shots but Its within that hour. This isn't really that official anyway. Please do I would like to see how I do.
Here is my terrible map. I luv da eleepantz. But I couldn'ts decide awht to put onn dem soz I put evvverrryting I couldz. muuuwhhahahha. Damn...
I will submit mine tommorow. Its going to be horrible in every way and then some.
I have already started putting this to work and have seen great accomplishment with it. This glitch shall open the doors to many people to lazy...
I C you can make it so certain weapons become available every set amount of time.
I am downloading the black hole and trying it tonight. The picture alone is enough. Great design.
Wait I know you can raise the run time max higher then what you have on the map but I didn't know it affects the spawn. One would spawn every...
I have some original mini game ideas. Let me know when I can post them and I will do it.
I need to have a sandtrap map that will allow me to have BOTH elephants in an assymetrical (one sided) gametype because I have a really good map...
This budget glitch isn't so ultimate unless u do it alone because I try to forge with someone and all the stuff that isn't in the game comes...