hay man the easyst way to get the pictures you need is to go on bungie.net find your pic, printscreen it (look on your keybord its a button i...
awsom looks like you took some of my sugestions ;) invite me to play soon id like to test it out see if theres any thing cool for a V4
hi I’m cowforcow My GT is cow for cow I’m not actually accepting friend requests so if you want to be on my list send an invite to A Cows Friends...
hay man if you want to make a death pit but not have the loud Booming sound on any chance of lag (which can get anoying) put a row of teleporters...
zombies have wave spawns!!! deployeble covers for windows???
Dam this map looks awesome would it be possible for somebody to download it and invite me to play on it It is impossible for me to link my...
also i forgot to say map CAN function with all game types some beter than others
ok sorry :( i fixed the pics they should work now:) tell me what you think
Stratified Stratified Hi this is my first post on FH I have checked out the site before and was happy to see that other people are committed...