Yeah, i didn't read the rules. The only reason why i registered was because i searched on google for a solution to my problem and this...
thats a darn good idea.
i don't giveuh ****kkkkkk.. ur the one with massive post. I don't give a **** if i get banned!! dumb ****! ****** ass *****. go crying to your mom...
BTW, spam IS spam. So why are you spamming? thats a rule too im sure. "dipshit"? hahahahhahhaah who uses that word? hahahahaha. Only faggots do.
hahahahah, first of all. I'm not looking up **** on youtube.. your little ***** gumby ****... nor your age on your profile. Why bother? you could...
yeah i talked to one guy. It seemed like he was about to ship me out a box but i told him i would call back to test my AV cables first. Turns out,...
no wonder why you have over 9,000 post. The majority of your most are probably never informative and unnecessary. You can't even spell. You Also...
Dude, omg. I signed up to this forum just because of this problem. my 360 elite had the same thing last night. I was worried about the colors...