Hai guiz. Look what I made :D Download here if you likes it and rate plz: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details[IMG]
HOLY JESUS!!! THIS... IS... AWESOME!!! Now imma show this to my other friends and spread word of your godliness :D
Oh hai guiz. I found that Forge hub is a Great place to show off my screenshots :D right now. My X-BOx just got back but router is being poopy so...
Map: Foundry Staged: Yes. It's forge "art" :P Maker of Screenshot: Only me I won't flame your rating. This is my 1st submissions :D Gamertag:...
Thank you. How do you do dat?
I had to take link down to edit the map a bit. not enought weapon placements :(. I'm so forgetful.
Sorry about not getting pictures eariler ForgeHub. Picture now Available here at photobukit WaBlam picture by Stupidfart9876 - Photobucket...
Well, here's my 1st post. I don't really know how to perform the Unlimited Objects glitch so if someone can give me a good tutorial or video, I'll...