ok well ill actually make the first response to your map after watching the vid... WO! its huge! how long did it take? looks pretty cool,...
Thanks! i really appreciate the feedback. if anything comes up, please let me know. and if you guys want it done for more gametypes (i realize...
Thanks! yea i worked hard on that centerpiece, but it made the center of the map a sort of extended cross shape, thus there were corners in each...
thanks! tell me what you think of it. please comment guys - and if anyone could tell me how to specify a picture thatd be great... EDIT: never...
[IMG] Sepulcher is the reimbursement of a map I made in Halo 3 called "Labyrinth," where players spawned up at the top of the map and dropped...
the map looks pretty sloppy, and could definitely use some touching up - interlocking would be nice. however, thats alright considering youre new...
AH! you beat me to this map! i had the same idea, except in the sky bubble. great minds think alike, eh? anyway, i think you should try to focus...
I like it - the bases look good and the merging is mostly nice, but i have one irking issue - from the first pic, the grass part looks a bit off...
Wo! sorry, forgot - i edited
Not too sure where to post this, but i'll try here first (please move mods if this would be better elsewhere) Background: have you ever run into...
Whoa!! it took me a while to figure out how you made those coffins, sick idea! the map looks fun, and also well made. my only issue is the outer...
sweet map! that curved part must have been a ***** to make. i really like your take on this, and the map looks very nice. an idea though for...
First off, thank you guys for all of your feedback, it's greatly appreciated, and i will take it all under consideration. but now i would like to...
[IMG] Hey Forgehub, this is my (...) third (?) map posted (I think). and I'm very pleased with it, and hopefully, you guys will enjoy it too. NOW...
AH! it's cool, i like the confusion aspect. however, it's just a bit bland. spice it up a bit! 3/5
i like it very much - lots of cover and seemingly great gameplay. i only have one issue with this though: it's that there seems to be too much...
i like your sense of humor - it really made the post much more interesting. i also like the map - usually there is only one place to hide on...
sweet, i love the idea. the death pit adds a nice touch, along with the shape, so it gives conquest a whole new feel. 5/5 from me, especially...
AAAAHHHH!!! very original idea, its like a 10x better remake of all the scarab maps. i also love the way the spider affects blackout, like the leg...
just wondering if you ever downloaded my map: labyrinth v2? if you did/ if you do, please tell me what you think (if you could, post in the...