ingenious and funny combined
Why dont you swap the teleporters for killballs? Or would that break some part of the system or something?
I love the last screen of the Carbine shot it makes the map look awesome keep forging
Awesome map i played on it it was sweet just out of interest, how does the coveyor work?
if you merge a box or something with the ball in the centre of the killball, it doesnt kill, making the banshees a little less at risk
i really like this map. its clever and neat but does the random weapon box wurk? if so how? and are the weapons on the walls there?
awesome map, tyou should check out Big Fish its like this (but you fall off more). Also you dorealise thre is already a map called 'The Pit'? lol
i like it, but the reason bungie gave us killballs is so we didnt have to put teleporters to take you somewhere to die.
i dunno about anyone else, but i cant see these pictures.
you are gunna get slated. read the help with map posting guide at the top of each forum.
wow wait what gametype is it? Infection? Territories? Slayer?
looks like a nice map. It almost looks cute. im not sure its quite big enough though. where does the tele go?
Thx dude
wow what? going through killball? you can do that? i swear they are meant to kill you, hence the name?
Wait, what? what do you mean under the grid. Am i just completely retarded because i have no idea what ur on about.
you could always put blocks over the flags from the tin cups to hide them and then you could build down more.
ooh dear. armouries no. seems like you have been watching some forge videos on youtube. what you want is a map that plays well, and if you want...
nice love the centerpiece part in a v2 i would like to see a banshee to take advantage of all the space left in the skybox beneath the map and...
i second structure 6
even if this isnt the best as a racetrack, it makes up for it with the idea and aesthtics. 5/5 good job