This is a super old map and was wondering if any one has the original map still saved, I would really like to take a look at it seeing as I...
I'd like to thank everone who keeps playing this map and has downloaded it, I honestly didn't expect it to get as many downloads as it did, so...
Thanks to everyone who commented and downloaded my map. Sorry I didn't reply sooner I've just been busy with alot of things such as school, modern...
Concealed Created by: IvAdrenalinevI [IMG] INFORMATION: Concealed is a fast pace MLG Asymmetrical map where opposing teams of four start with a...
Finally this map got featured, it should of been right off the bat. I love almost everything about this map even the banshee's getting it on in...
I really like what you've done with this map. The aesthetics are all pleasing & the merging and forging is all very precise & clean. Looks like it...
Here is the new Sig for our team ShapeShifters. [IMG] Currently working on a new map, it's top secret. I can't tell you anything about it other...
This is one of my favorite roller coaster tracks it has lots of difficult and challenge turns. It has a really cool feel to it & the way that it...
Hey bam, looks like a really good track can't wait to test it out. I didn't know you where working on a new track but none the less it looks...
Wow, I'm really liking the looks of this race track. It has such good interlocking & smoothness to it, making it much more race able. All the...
Great first post, I like the looks of the map but it looks like it could use some improvements. I would recommend merging some more of your...
Wow I really like the looks of this map. Both of the bases are very unique and have lots of merging. All of the merges and objects on this map are...
Wow you did an amazing job with this map. I love all the merging it is all very clean, angled and almost flawless. I can tell that you spent alot...
I really like the looks of this map all the forging is very good, but the only thing is it looks like it will play good for 1v1's.
From what I can see this map looks pretty accurate and looks like it will play well. I just hope that it is not breakable and that it is that same...
This map plays very play I remember play testing it with you. All the merging and interlocking is superb. I also like all the little jumps you...
I'm thinking of making a v2 and taking some of the weapons off cause it does seem like there is to many.
I deleted all the pictures on photobucket by accident, not knowing it would delete them on here. So I retook them and updated my post.
@ Lemons Reloaded Thanks for downloading my map. I doubt that this could get featured cause I don't think I've ever seen an MLG map featured on...
Blue Abyss Created by: ltz Adrenaline [IMG][IMG] Map Description: Blue Abyss is the first enclosed map on avalanche that supports 8 players. The...