[img] Yes, in real life I'm a ghoulified Matrix character
YAY I have Ratchet 3 and Gladiator, also Yay for Pandaman
Yay ratchet!
Congratulations, your No. 1 for infractions without ban, High Fivez
Oh my god, you are Australian?
I like Monarchy Monarchy: receives double the amount of culture from palaces
JESUS CHRIST, IT'S THE AXIS FORCES, HERE TO RE-CAPTURE ME! Also, STFU! this is a serious thread (because if it wasn't I would have said "tis eh...
go on, elaborate...
Democrat: +50% trade, cannot declare war Republican: Settlers cost just 1 population point I prefer Democrats personally, lol
Who is better, I'm asking this because: a) I genuinely want to hear your arguments b) I want to see your opinion on both and c) because it might...
You do this just to annoy me? No other reason? You could have at least said U R A NOBODY LAWL!
Just got the demo, I'm one of those people who enjoy cinematic gaming and this is the only time in a game where I've been able to escape by...
[IMG] Not staged, done on Avalanche, used the explosion of another banshee to create painfully white background. Feedback appreciated
[IMG] Done at same time as my other pic, Valhalla. On Blackout, completely staged. Feedback appreciated.
[IMG] I took this and it made me think of Valhalla, completely staged but its done on blackout and completely different to what I was trying to...
Me being agnostic, I'm probably a good person to talk, so here is the controversy: How about a great new idea, god created evolution, MY GOD!, I...
Someone who was invisible, you can see the red guy right?
take another guess, look closely, look infront of the mongoose, think why is there a giant rocket launcher attached to the mongoose... when you...
Kudos if you can tell me exactly whats happening in the first pic
Bummer, my XBL Gold trial expired, oh well... I'll just make more!