good advice bout the grenades, also is it just me or do the grenades have different trajectories making it harder to stick. so only having one...
LMAO well that isn't a car ill be looking into any time soon
Never thankfully. Touch wood. the cool thing is that in Europe any electrical product automaticallly comes with 3 years warranty under EU Laws....
who cares if it does, if anything more cars should look like halo vehicles. That way you'd never run out of petrol
Although its never happened to me i have had a mate who got the dreaded 'ring of death' on their 360. For those of you lucky enough to have not...
thanks for clarifying, a really usefull post. Add to 101?
cheers for the info! much appreciated
dont mean to put down your idea but whats wrong with a two way teleporter? im ean its way easier and you dont have the whole exposed problem. Also...
sweet ill add you
a few maps have done this, the first that springs to mind is 'Vents' just some simple...
Re: Hi guys. pallets and roadblocks. sweet
4 hours a week? that must be a hell of a map! unless you have a few good ideas of course. I'd be happy to help. GT; o FallDamage o
Try for the life of me i couldn't get this damn thing to work. Mabee im just a tard, but i tryed it so many times i just got bored with it. Also...
does it stay without the turret if you save changes and start afresh?
isnt it funny how the shortest strangest topics get the most replies
you seen how unnaturally high he jumps right at the start of the video? suspect
definately your idea over the constant explosion. it sounds like a fair enough way to create a death pit, its just another example of why we sould...
Dont forget a teleporter to get you back into the arena incase you get blasted out!
Just checked my record and ive played MORE custom games than anything. And by quite a bit too. Does forging count as a custom game? Can't beleive...
um what are these supposed to be? i really cant see it >>>>> :squirrel_blush: :( :squirrel_evil: EDIT:upon clicking them they are squirrels. Really?