yo bro thanx for the message. christmas cheer to you too.
Yo sry bro. I didnt get ur message til just now. If you have another one then i will go just send me another message when u do.
Yo sry bro. I didnt get to my messages til today, but if you still wanna go 1v1 then just let me know with a time.
I'm sure there will be tons of people that will submit stupid stuff, and that will make it hard for a true artist like me to get popularity. But...
I'm still in the process of finishing mine, and i have nothing else to submit because i lost them. If you're still doin the contest when i get...
to be honest, i have been disappointed by bungie. heroic map pack sucked (except for foundry which is great in forge), the legendary map pack was...
That would be interesting for me because i do machinima and montages and it would be a lot easier that way. i dont know if it will work like that...
I have always been the ascetic helmet, commando right shoulder, ascetic left shoulder, and flight body. I never have been and never will be a...
Yo man if you are still looking for a 1v1 match on Guardian, I'll play. Just message me with time.