Absolutly AMAZING map, man. two thumbs up from me.
Cool. Congratz. We do have quite a number of stuff in favs!
I saw this group on B.net! thats why i joined...Also because i LOVE to forge!
yeah, I'm sure NO ONE wants a corrupt group
COOL IT GUYS. me and hata got in a little fight...But don't worry. We're trying to keep it cool, and solve this out. Zero, it wasn't right to...
I understand that. But to just correct YOUR simple and usless error. THe man who quoted me told me that he was just quoting me to show members how...
am i able to help or be on the staff? I've played with many GB/MLG Pros. I've played with the 1st place team, before. But they all split up. And...
It's alright...I wasn't mad at you. Just wondering why you exactly quoted me a million times. But now this guy ("playerhata27") thinks he all...
I'm asking for proof of your point. If you can't give me it and we're going to keep having this pointless conversation, then whatever. I don't...
Now how exactly were they "oblivious and obvious"? Intrigue me.
U random? why did you quote EVERY one of my messages exactly?
Wat the h3ll is wit all deez "saying" u guys are cumming up wit?
huh? wats dat?
what "respect rank?" I'm pretty sure everyone could eventfully earn that "rank". And i was just asking. You don't have to "back-talk". I've had to...
oh, so thats the REAL urk? just curious...
I saw the "community spotlight". Good job to EVERYONE who made it happen!
Well, i learned how to make some really good screanshots from a guy who learned from a tuxedo cat. But I'll just give you some basics. First:...