Alright, thanks for the ideas :)
I don't believe there is. Atleast not in Forge World.
I meant, a situation where it is REQUIRED to be the shield door lift and not a mancannon/gravity lift. And yes, I realize that 3 could probably...
Run Sea, Run! (Duck Hunt-Esque Idea) Run Sea, Run! (Working Title) By: MrTwiggy1Q1 Hey, everyone. Just figured I'd post up my idea for a new...
No need to get really defensive. While I think this is a good idea, it's definitely not an end all be all. Man-cannons, while not exactly pretty...
Hey, there! I'm hoping to plan out/rough draft some maps for when Halo: Reach comes out using Google Sketch-Up. I've hit a wall when it comes to...
The whole idea is clean and neat. But personally, if I had a situation/area that I wanted to use this, I would set it up with a gravity lift or...
Just a neat thing that I learned a long, long time ago. (Though I'm not that good, I have a lot of PS experience.) A nice border that I always...
Woah, calm down. It's not like I slipped into your house and stole your plasma and car O.O And why the **** would I say someone else did it...
With the new broad range of items, accessibility and features, I'm extremely excited at the concept of not online building new and unique...
One thing that I'm surprised no one else has thought of is that having the shield doors at spartan length is not viable. It would be simple too...
YouTube - Halo 3 God Glitch EenSOVmbVBw Don't forget to subscribe to Crpgchamp on you tube, you will get the latest info and videos on the most...
I understand it is a personal opinion, and I agree that not everyone has to like my sig's. But when he says that it has too many effects, when...
6/10 because it is simple and I like it :P PS: To Weapwn, I am sorry, but you obviously don't have very much Photoshop experience, first off, you...
7/10, mostly because it looks cool, and I like it. Not very much editing in there though.
I find it funny that the Da Vinci Code Easter Egg is there, because I am actually the person who found it, and me and my friend named it the da...
I don't exactly know where you signature is. But I am going to guess it is the text? If so, 4/10 just because it has no editing, but it is 4/10 on...
Thank's for you comments on the signatures. But I don't quite get when you said that this isn't Bungie.Net. I know that, I rarely go on
2/10 just because of the quote.
3/10 for editing, because all you did was slap on some text. But 7/10 because it's funny. Although, I think if it said ''I can haz recon?'' it...