Nice Post Rofl i like the map layout building, and central area ( which i oviously didnt make) oh and to any one looked at the pics the red light...
Nice map crackah. Nice geomerging, haven't seen much of that on Sandbox. Someparts are kind of confusing like the red column "cover area". The...
Looks pretty good. Wasn't to eye catching but when i scrolled down and saw the central area that really got me. Gameplay might be confusing with...
Wow, looks really good. Interesting idea with the vehicle barrier never seen something like it. I like that big arch bridge thing and the sword...
Good map Psycho. I really like how you biuilt the shotgun tunnels with the tube cornes. I also like how you used the tin cups for a grass like floor.
HOLY CRAP! OMG! the first picture astounded me! This is by far the best city map made in sandbox. I like how you built something from a different...
WOW! This is very good. I really like these maps on snadobx that are big and have a different symetrical feel to them, and this is the best one...
Mine is when i was trying to splatter some1 in high ground when my teamate failed with a rocket and hit behind, flinging me at the guys head,...
I didnt know where to post this or if it is spam, but i was wondering how to get a sig that shows your halo levels and top medals and stuff. if...
Anyone viewing this map please make comments and criticize
This maps looks like a really goo.d team doubles map due to its size if you have ever seen transfusion by deathtoll77 this map is a lot like it.
This map looks amazing! I like how you made it feel all enclosed when its in the skybox. Ill dl for sure!!
Good map dude! It looks like a really good map for MLG, maybe you should set it up for that. I like the sniper perch and the shotgun tunnel,...
ALright link is fixed and as to ROFL, u played like one game, we played 10 And the CTf i might set up for Tank flag. As with being hectic it...
Thanks redeye although it is not set up for infection
RETICULUM Description: Only on the brink of defeat does true power appear. Retilculum is my first map posted on FH it is my first completed...
Wow this map looks really confusing. Lots of elevation, many different walkways it would be very hard to get the hang of. For CTF it would be...
One way i saw my friend fix this is to put a teleporter on sotp of the object then save, quit, and come back. This takes a while becasue you have...
Wow! This map looks amazing. I really like the look of the ancient arch things. 4.5/5, it looks like the vehicles would have a hard time getting...
Wow this map looks amazing. 5/5 The inter locking looks very clean. I like how you used the upisde tin cups for the grass. Well done ill DL for sure