I'll just leave this here...
Hmm. A lot of people I know said that the Gears 3 beta was terrible.
IMO: Mass Effect 2 was superior to Mass Effect 1. Pokemon Emerald was superior to Pokemon Red/Blue. Halo 2 was superior to Halo CE.
Fixed it.
Are you online at least once a year? Then you have no need to complain.
Gah! Some asshole used Latios as his account name, but hasn't used it since 2007, and it only has 5 gamerscore! Damn it, delete already! On...
Heh, you should. That would be hilarious.
Meh, I'm hoping to claim Latios as my new GT.
I lol'd.
Battleground, at Survival Area.
I'm sorry, but please don't repost your maps, unless it's a V2. You already posted this exact map last year.
Pfft. Shoulda got Emerald. Got that on my emulator, feels way better than Sapphire. However, it makes me long for Hoenn remakes...
I think it has something do do with the Dreamworld/Enterlink.
Yes! Then I could have six Pokemon that I actually like in my party, not just four that I like and two HM slaves.
You could battle with it, or give it a crapload of vitamins. But yeah, happiness evolutions suck. Especially Woobat. :/
Wait. Does this mean that ME3 is coming out in a few weeks? I thought that I heard something about a DLC, then ME3 weeks later. Or was that...
FUUUU... Sooo... I'm racist? Well, better go release my Rayquaza, Latias, Latios, Garchomp, Kyruem, and Giratina... EDIT: Anyway, I have a shiny...
**** yeah! Just found a shiny Latias in Pokemon Sapphire, with a great nature too! Time to migrate it up! EDIT: Son of a... V, I be jealous...
Do want. As long as it's for 360. If this is only for PC, my new dreams will be crushed...
Gah! I was on my way to Chargestone Cave, when my DSi froze! It refuses to turn off, so I have to wait a few hours for it to drain, then I have to...