awesome job. Im not a fan of maps like these until recently ill dl and try but it looks pretty slick. And the poles if u think they are harder...
seems awesome. I love the banshee. The only thing is i think it could be wider but maybe when i play on it ill see. 8/10. I dl'd
alright. a few things. the map idea is pretty kewl but have you played it. Everyone will camp behind somthing or hide under the sniper tower. The...
thanks i was just wondering if you guys have ever made it to the kill ball. I have once or twice but most of my friends arent any good.
I know its quick but its much much better and i hope you enjoy. For all who have not seen the V1 here is the link-...
I merged the boxes in the center that spawn immedietly but it just looks like, well not merged. I am posting V2 right now so check it out in about...
a few things. The plasma pistol hasnt proved to be a problem and in slayer you for some reason cant be invulnerable. Also i merged that one part...
you know what i think i might add some aesthetics to make it look nicer. You know like some towers or something fancy like a floating kill ball...
Do you enjoy ripping the insanely funneseseses of halo on halo? What kind of sick person are you. I mean the map is good but how could you rip...
Yo two things. Map looks awesome but the FREAKY (not the other word) link wont work. Love to try it man so please fix.
I love the pit. I was actually looking at a friends File Share yesterday so did you make that? He has no clu what forgehub is.
Okay oneday when i didnt have XBL a friend and i where messing around and we got a few screenshots out of it. Here is my favourite. Oh and the...
dont really like it im not gonna DL. I say 4/10. The problem really is that there are so many maps like this and they take almost no skill.
fail. The pics dont give us enough... well pictures. I can barely tell a thing from this map. It just seems like a rip off of my friends sick map.
GREAT MAP! but one thing. We all know remakes ar insanely hard right so nothing against your forging but when i play a remake i need to feel...
Okay to start off i made this map with two friends on Xbox live 2 days ago. Chase 209 and millionair. I really wouldnt give them credit cuz all...
No pics :(
Alright im just gonna say i love the boardgame so i DL'd it. I played first 1 on 1 and then it was like 8 on 8 or something like that and it was...
i love roller coasters!! Especially hard ones. Me and some friends will spend hours trying to get to the end. I DL'd.
Well the part he refers to actually barely helps you. It gets you past a part where you dont need to go. I think youll know what im talking about...