WEOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! XD Feature Feature Feature Feature! xD Camofo, you have no idea how popular your game already has become. I hear...
"Oh there needs to be more people downloading this" -Me just before I dl map. :D Really love the creative concept man, just a crazy mad good idea....
WIN WIN WIN WIN WINNER! Awesome map, great gameplay. Superfantabulous artwork and post overall. I enjoyed the whole packaged experience camo. ;D
Oh my god yes! The witty references really drawed up my attention to your post good sir. =) Might I say that this map looks very well made,...
Hey Roadkill, still doing those foundry maps I see. =D I am a fan of these maps in the sense that they are all really well made and forged almost...
Yeah, it's just a generic name for now. Oh, and I found the forum for map testers, sorry about that. ^_^'
Hey Sarcasm! I have a map that I really need help testing for. Would you be able to help? It's a map on ghost town and it's and infection and I...
Hello there, my name is (estmid) and I require some help testing one of my maps out for a finished version. I haven't played on it yet, but I am...
Well I have to say the piano really caught my attention. I have been groveling over how to create one and you just blew my mind! Other then that,...
Hey, I think this idea is great and all and I love cutting shortcuts, even thought that can lead to lazyness, but I don't understand how you set...
Hey, great job on the map. Thats really all though. The tree is so glamourous to the entire map, a great centerpiece and definately worth the hard...
Perhaps these cavern maps are a little overrated, i mean it seems effortless to ghost merge a map because of the simplicity of the result, but...
It's great to see more maps done on Ghost Town, especially with Ghost Merging, (lolz, i found a connection). But, it seems that these are quite...
Aha, this is great. I have been having trouble with both OLN and budget glitched maps and now i can finally make maps i have been waiting to do...
Perhaps it being more of an aesthetic map is the reason the inside is lesser then the greater whole of the map? It looks amazing dude, and...
Yeah, there are OLN canvas's that you can use. I know that you should try to search OLN in the search bar because i found one by MetaWaddleDee...
Yeah, i saw this map in the aeshetic department and i thought while this map was painstakingly made, it was well worth the wait. Not quite sure i...
I wanted to state something beyond a simple "how to" thread that Sarcasm made. I am very aware of my writeup being a bit poor, but I made this...
I don't think I have ever played on a map inside of the caves of Avalanche, except a puzzle map. This looks very well made, takes full use of...
This is certainly very creative. An aesthic map that is both extremely well made, origional and fun to look at. I think that Fronk himself was a...