are you 13 and almost has a girlfriend???
dude u haz a ******... ur so fukin wierd u haz no parents that love u abortion surviving freak can u haz literacy?????? freak..... go die the...
sick maps, i personally love infection, and if these are infection maps then, 5/5! i could care less for the gametypes, these maps are prob the...
dang, outsmarted by the 5-0, lol
lies. just like the cake. u kno u do. the first step is to admit you have a problem, but in this case, its not a problem, its a crush. with me....
thank you for that. gayface. lol. =) I <3 you, lol
wtf? r u not able to read? i just said right before yours, that i was the one that made the 2nd account and then used it to laugh. profusely. lol. ;)
wrong buddy, me. loling and tex: I lol'd too, plenty. "o rly?" ha!
i think i got infracted, i honestly wouldnt know... nuthin has popped up yet, except for your 2 messages... oh well, im going to be the new go-to...
doodes, i just checked the account of his: conorlfcmd91 and its all legit! wtf!? he is a plasma GOD
"Is this Real Life?" Lol.
Lol, I wish a Chihuahua could Om Nom Nom...
Lolwut? This is hilarious, and it makes Pokemon seem a Bajillion times cooler than it was. Which was about this much: l-l. *Huh, funny thing. A...
i think that that word is '****'
that was sick. i would not, could not be able to pull off no-scopes like that. im a scoping guy. =/
Amazing Video. Except for the very first clip, I couldn't see a thing. I love the bit at the end at 9:53 where he stands on the enemy's head...
I don't know if anyone has made a thread like this before, but I was just curious. So, yeah, I just think Matchmaking is very bland and dull. I...
map looks awesome, ill DL and see if its up to my thinking par. for now 4.5/5
lolwut? i didnt even know who aj #1 was but wutevs... welcome and lol, ur already warned. :)
cant it just be a regular map? im no good with journeyman maps... my concepts are crazy awesome but my application to them reeks more than a...