i will bring a screenshot tomorrow it's like over midnight here so i need to go but i will bring some more shoots when i wake up tomorrow
i just put the screenshoots up
Edited 2 screen shoots are online
Welcome to the Hill "Screen Shoot Online :) " it have one blue base and one red base and guess what there is a hill in the middle that one of...
man i would be scared to play if some eyes were looking at me xD good map
pretty cool
epic dude
no we was bored so we took a screenshot on sandbox :)
how do you make these
lol hahah don't let the shishka take you
i think the same
[IMG] we love this map so we took a screenshot of pure love :embarassed: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Thanks to Moniraking , Zora Swe to make this...
looks like a normal sandbox map
lol ...
pretty cool 4/5 from me to
damn it seems my 3 days hang em high are over ...
looks like the warlock map can you make sanctuary?
i know it was hard to find a good spot for it and for the roof i sucks on it haha most of my freinds is complainging off it
so it will work if you only set those spawn points ? and yeah i had some problems with the roof i need help with it
wow my eyes is O O how long did it take for you to make ?