I don't think that is true, I believe that red is just defenders and blue is just attackers no matter in wich team the host is in. Maybe this can...
I believe that oddball is symmetric.
Someone already made a shipment map: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=738.0 and someone else:...
I don't know for sure. But I think there's only 1 elephant on asymmetric games.
It looks really good, I have downloaded it and going to play it when I get back from school :P.
me and my friend overloaded snowbound with only tripmines(on instant respawn). The first time he failed, but when I was also trowing tripmines...
Most of the time when I'm not forging on Foundry, I forge on Sandtrap, I just love that map.
It is possible to remove the shield doors(and everything else) by trowing a large pile of trip mines. But when the mines explode everything comes...
me and my friend always overload a map by respawning 4 trip mines next to eachother and set the runtime minimun to 4. Than keep trowing intill...
Hello everyone, my name is Joey. I live in the Netherlands. I'm 15 years old. I really love forge and always want to learn some forge tips. Don't...