Name origin My name comes from a nickname I got at lacrosse. One of my friends was yelling my name from across the field and I couldn't hear him,...
Maybe, but right now I'm working on the Spirit dropship from Halo 1.
It is not in Mass Effect per say, but they use something like this to launch their ships from galaxy to galaxy. They even integrated this into...
Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. I actually tried to make an astromech droid behind the cockpit, but it didn't turn out so well. I ended...
Well, here is my first aesthetic map, based off of the Arc-170 from Star Wars. This was used to escort Obi-Wan and Anakin's starfighters to...
I mistaked it for the Rail launching system from Mass Effect, as I saw 'Mako' in the title, that being a vehicle in Mass Effect. It actually is...
I remember yesterday when I joined your party after you finished this, it looked awesome.
Oh yeah, u r on alot and helped me with somethiing when I was new. Good to see you here too.
Hey just saw this sweet site on the update and decided to join. I have been on Halo forums for a while, mostly's armor making site, but...