Pretty sure this is in another thread... but I love this pic so 5/5.
The pic works for me, so he must have fixed it. It looks okay, but there's really no special effect or anything, it's just a guy with dual...
The first three were definitely my favorites, but they are all pretty epic. 5/5
Those are all simply amazing. The first one really caught my attention, making me look at the rest of them. I also loved Camouflage. Great job! 5/5
LOL at Triple Betrayal. Did you get booted for that? All great pics. 5/5 for sure.
Those are all great. The fact that there was blood in the Decapitation pic just made the whole picture. Great job. 5/5
Most of them were way too dark. If they had a bit more color, then I would love them. 3/5
Those are pretty good pics 3.5/5, but the ones with the Spartan would look better if he had a different weapon/armor. Also, the Malfunction pic...
Those are all nice pics 5/5. My favorite by far is Red Blaze. It just seems like something in a movie.
Those are all amazing pictures. I would really like to know how you pulled off the effect in Fusion. 5/5 for sure.
They all look pretty sweet, but I like the Blue Slash the best. 5/5
Anyone want to start some infection? I have a few good maps DLed right from this site!
I like it, but if you were to have a different helmet, it would most likely make this picture look a lot better.
I used Pen and Ink FX and I used a regenerator.
Yeah, they already told me to change it, I did though, so were all good.
Awesome screenshots! Here's one of me and my friend. Fearsome Trio - Don't mess with them... They have shotguns. [IMG]
I took this by going to Avalanche and I put down the Pen and Ink FX (I think it's that one) and then I just experimented with a bunch of effects....
Thanks, I also thought the katana could use some work.
Nice screenshots. My fav is the Jurassic Park one. It made me laugh. xSharpshooter94: Nice signature. They rock... As a matter of fact I'm...
Awesome screenshots. My favorite would have to be Orange-Blue.