And RANKED playlists, where it works less often and you get punished when you get it wrong.
Hardly, if they don't pull over for a couple of seconds, they are basically forcing** the guy behind to overtake: More dangerous. **I am...
You are missing the point. The stats suggest that a very low number of crashed are caused by excessive speeding, more are cxaused by stupidity...
I think people who mis treat animals shoudl have the same sentence as if they were treating a human like that. People who mis treat animal disgust...
Despite what you hear from the government, the stats do not suggest that. Going back to my other point, since Mr.Fingers doesn't wish to argue,...
Yes, but we are debating whether it is dangerous or not. Surely, if you can see someone wants to go past, you pull over and let them get on with...
But 30mph is much to slow for most people under 60 years old, thats why people overtake. Because they want to go faster than the limit. At this...
Actually no, i live in Norfolk, it was just that post was the first peice of eveidence for my side of the debate i came across, and it happened to...
I not that intruiged by this debate, swo i won't do proper research, but i know the figure fot people who have died JUST by speed in england, that...
Rusty, you just got owned by someone a hell of a lot more intelligent than you, it seems. *Note, i am not claiming that i am more intelligent than...
God does not explain nothing until something is revealed that gives him a remote chance of being there; something which has not yet bee found....
Proof is proof, you do not have to beleive proof, it is either proof, or it is not proof. And the bible, of all things, is not proof. What...
Beyond his intelligence, that is Nitrous' basic point: You cannot give no-where near solid eveidence, so why, or how do people beleive?
...O.k then. What about my other points?
No, they hang foxes on fences and cars to prove how good they are at killing defenceless animals, and what ****ing igronrant twats they are. The...
Bullshit. Does the sniper and rockets on narrows get you kills? Yes, so you do it. Grenade spamming on construct obviously kills you, othewise...
Well, if they work, and they are not cheating, then they are a tactic. None of them are cheating, ands they can i don;t really get this...
Number 1 is a good argument, number 2 no-one knows, that doesn't mean we all should assume it was a God...
Wait a week, get the maps, then bye Halo Wars if - -People say its good -Get goods reviews -Its well priced on ebay =)
I play on 2 due to the genreal steady-ness, i only move it up when playing swords.