great job on this map fox!keep it up
walmartman117..we were kind of wondering wether that teleporter arrow was too long too until we did a few test games and some kids couldnt manage...
im commenting on this because on the other map it got locked because my friend lied to me and tried to tell me it was his and he had me "fix some...
No,this was made 100 percent by me(teddy405) and my friend(foxfootball30)
I'm glad u guys are likeing the map...keep up the comments and rate the map out of 5 stars
The Experience Made by foxfootball30 and Teddy405 This is a map that we tried to made as perfect as possible. We have tested the course several...
Evolution By foxfootball30 and Teddy405 Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File...
First Map---It's amazing, download it, comment, give me some advice. I love you all.dont send me massages that say i should quit halo(like i...
i apreciate the coments but if u really hate it theres no need to flip out on me : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details my first map put up,not sure if im doing this right [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]