Hit me up monday, I'd love to see it. GT: coolaid55
It would be better if it was on Headlong . Assuming the leaks are correct about it being the final unnanounced map.
How long will it last? The acting, I mean?
I will definitely test. Love the aesthetics, hope the gameplay lives up to the video. It looks sort of cops and robbers chase style. Lovin' it....
You could try one bomb assualt. If I'm not mistaken (and I might be) you can edit defender and attacker traits, giving the one team invisibility...
Had a good time testing. Very fun map, and fairly accurate. I like the water, it adds a cool aesthetic touch to a would be grey map. The only...
I will be on in about an hour, how's that? Edit: Theres also a place on here where you could submit your map for testing, if thats what you want
I played your Generators map a while back and loved it. I tried to make my own version, but decided that would sorta be stealing. Anyway, this is...
I really like the idea of a central river. Some more pics would be cool, so I could get a better sense of the map. Really great idea, though
Looks very good. Will it use the regular Infection gametype, or are you making a custom one? And will the humans start at the bottom and make...
I would love to help test this! My GT is coolaid55, feel free to add me. I'm on most evenings. But . . . Alaska time so . . . I'll figure it out....
Sorry. I played through 5 or 6 and no one voted for them, so I just searched them in the file browser. I'll put links in the OP, but I doubt this...
I love you. That just gave me so many ideas for gametypes.
Best infection map I have seen yet in reach. The elevators and overall asthetics are genius, and it looks like you spent a lot of time making sure...
I would look at this for ideas. It replicates Halo Wars gameplay extremely well, and is one of the coolest ideas I've seen. Add in your base...
And the ability to spawn on any teammate, instead of just your designated bro.
If they can do this kind of thing, im sure they could add vip. I miss vip, and i never understood why they took it out.
Oh yeeeaaahhh. Forgot about that one. Is that in the multiteam playlist?
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but with the new playlist update, new custom game options are available. Did you ever want to make a...
Invasion. Set each phase to territories. You would be limited to three, but it's the best solution I can think of.