awesome screenshot if you can just overload the map and replace the lights
i tried offline online neither worked i was offline without HDD tho getting a new disc becuz this one is messed sound skips during map loading it...
its late so im gonna wait a couple hours ive searched cant find anything..:[
did you read what i said? the maps load without HDD plugged in
ive tried didnt work D=
im having problems NOTHING in halo loads when i have my hdd hooked up but when i take the hdd out Halo runs everything fine and yes ive tried XX...
hey its only RB LB LStick A DPad Up Left or Down LT,RT,LStick are not required
i would like to see your fileshare
you cant show pictures from your computer use Photobucket
Get comcast noobs. [IMG]
its the new party system
Serious Business. [IMG]
this is my render to video test check it out;D : Halo 3 File Details
yeah it turned out great in my opinion i just asked my friend if he wanted a screenshot turns out that red makes green;D *hint
then dont even post bcause your nothing impressive
i actually bought pro awhile ago and still have it they gave me 5 rendering points so i can do 1 high res HD video or 5 low res SD videos i'll...
just swing a hammer and look through the distortion the hammer makes *IT WILL NOT LOOK LIKE PIXELS UNTIL U TAKE THE SCREENSHOT IT WILL JUST... : Blog read this article it explains it all
Sage [IMG] Pyro [IMG] Vidmaster Annual Entry [IMG]
mine will always go BR Sword AR Sniper Shotty then Bomb (Grifball im a commander grade 3 lol...)