This map is a simple gladiator/warrior battle map. From the stands all you see is the shadow of bodies and the clash of swords. Leaving a very...
Mannnn, I really like these trick maps but I like them clean. No offense dude but I will NOT dl any of your maps they are just sloppy you need to...
Ummm the link isn't working... I REALLY want to dl but can't if you redo the link I will dl and rate later. Thanks
Wait, so you d it in forge? lol im kindof confused
VERY HARD It isn't the hardest thing yet but it is very hard. And I'm a good driver for a noob it'd be impossible. Very clean and and pretty long....
Thanks guys. But I tried out the Juicy/gloomy effects and you LITERALLY could not see. And there is no more money so that may give you an idea of...
This is Nicholas Carter, and do you all of you're valiant efforts we managed to avoid the ambush party back at Outpost 343B. But I'm afraid I need...
YOU NEED TO SET THIS UP WITH SLAYER. I mean it looks and plays really nice on slayer, why don't set it up on slayer, KOTH, and other game types?...
Hey its KSI Hazardous, I got a new 360 add me at XTheStrainX I got a map we could test out!
Looks nice but again FX I only like in infection maps, may want to take it off. But it looks fairly better then most, that uses FX. ALso may want...
I'm currently working on a Map on SandBox, If you want to help PM me or Message me at XTheStrainX. It is an infection map. If you want more...
Does any one have this map?, and if so could you link me to it? Thanks:happy:
Nevermind what I meant was geomerging, so is there a way to do that on the Mythic maps?
or you could just link me to it.... can't find it
What objet do I use on Mythic maps to do this? Or how do I do it if there is no object? Thanks
I like how you geomerged it to make it look like its all been there a while. And I believe it would create better gameplay. ( more places to hide) 4/5
Umm correct me if im wrong but i don't believe your aloud to curse or but racist.... But otherwise the maps looks good enough I will DL and then...
Glad to see he got banned good job Man =)
You Sir are lying sorry to say but you did not make this map. This is the kindof thing that can get you in trouble... So remember if its not yours...
I like how you did this... It looks as if you actually took time and thought it out. But one suggestion move the vehicles they look dumb in there...