Holy ****, your pretty smart. Nice Idea + rep
IDEAS: 1. I think you could somehow incorporate fall damage by placing teleporters somewhere and making them lead outside of a map where you...
Falling Damage Some Halo CE maps are just not the same without falling damage. Even on Halo 2 they put falling damage on tombstone. I have been...
this was only for discussion. sorry about putting it in the wrong place tho.
I know thats what I did in this map. Its not like anyone uses them for anything, unless they need a grav lift.
yeah Im not sure how to so I put one in my fileshare
I made a map that shows a way to use mancannons usefully. It is somewhat sloppy, but it gets the point across. The map name is manncannon. The...
Okay, lets face it. Foundry is a ugly map. There are thousands of maps that all look like a warehouse. That is kind of ridiculous. I am a...
your completly wrong. you can't save an overloaded map. You can however save a map that is about to overload.
Well, ever since Halo 3 first came out map overloading has been well known. People thought the only way to overload a map was to throw a bunch of...
Blackout to Lockout Transformation Okay, I already know there are going to be 1000 Lockout remakes on the first day Blackout is released. I...
I think this would be a very simple, yet good idea. There have been many attempts but none have been very good. The people on this site can...
My Xbox360 is broken right now, so I can't begin. Shipment is a very good map in COD4. I like to give 110% when I make maps. For know can someone...
has anyone tested my idea?
anyone at least tried?
I copy pasted this from mlgforums. nobody has responded over there
I haven't tested this yet because my Xbox 360 is being fixed a the moment, I was just thinking. When a map has been overloaded the shield doors...
I gave this up, im not experianced enough