Re: List Of Almost All Money Glitch Maps alls i cans sayss is weird and cool
a mix of WTF and OMFG!
a little bit okward if ya ask me... how did ya get yor hand up there!!!!!????? :squirrel_rant:
wtf?.>?> :squirrel_eyebrow:
strange yet intriguing.... very unique map
I like this map, gives that nice cat'n'mouse feel, nice touch with the fusion coils, and also love the braught back gametype! muhahahhaah...
how so is it glitched???
Wheres master cheif with the newspaper lol! :squirrel_giggle:
lol!! :squirrel_giggle:
any plans to make a mario map?? like donkey kong using bridges and wire spools??
tats some class music.
Re: Scorpion (not the tank) well now i see it but i had to look five minuts to find it, either add more pics or clean up the ones you currently have!
now it just needs the needlers!
Re: Intersection (Fixed) This is really proffesional work, and when i get the chance tomarro im definatly going to dounload this map!...
Re: The House of Horror!!! Yeah, i love usin the laser, but i almost never gets it :squirrel_sad:.
he means on the left sidfe of the huge building you have to go all the way up the left side of the structure and then yes, you will hear a...
And it took you how long to finish this map, it looks like it took like 2 or 3 weeks of my time if i had to make it, lets just say interlocking is...
In the words of the fat man "freakin sweet".
Re: The House of Horror!!! Its a preety amazing map that is perfect for infection based gametypes, although with the description, why would you...
Re: Scorpion (not the tank) Kinda cool but i mean wheres the tail, i dont see it in any of the picks! :squirrel_wtf: