Haha what don't you get?
Transformers/Terminator "Feed the Machine" (Red)‏ - YouTube Please watch and enjoy! Feel free to comment and share (:
I know many of you might not like books but please please please watch this anyway! I don't even like books myself hah. Watch and comment,...
This is so awesome bahaha. YouTube - The Simpsons Intro - Kesha : Tik Tok (HD 1080P)
Alright thanks anyways!!
Hey man do you have any 48 trials?? I'd greatly appreciate it
It's all good. I'd like to get the music players to work, I can't get any of em to work.
Ya I'd love some help man.
Here's my new one... [IMG] Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can add to it? It feels incomplete still... I wanna add the weather skin,...
This song is called Monster. It be by Skillet (: The video is by me. YouTube- The Incredible Hulk - Monster (Skillet)
Oh em gee you like the Mass Effect series too?
Alright thanks man! --- Okay I did the thingy you told me to do. Does it work? Go to the link and see if you can watch my video. YouTube-...
Here is mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTp9OkCUwd0 And here is a similar one: YouTube - Hero - [Superhero Montage"]400 Bad Request...
My grandpa can't even open a sliding phone...
I <3 <3 <3 Hayden Panettiere :) You're a Faith freak (: Then again... I'm a Hayden Panettiere Freak :) [IMG] I Picnik'ed the image of...
Today was my first day back at school after Spring Break. Went purty swell!