Back for a lil, i got my xbox back but its screwed up even worse... it has the red ring, now i have to send it back, so cya later i guess...
Yep pretty much, I'm actually doing stuff now
... havent been here in a while
Great map, it really seems like you brought Ghost town back to life with all of the unique platforms you've added, as well as aesthetics and ways...
... I'm pissed off cuz the laser lens thingie in my xbox is messed up so I have to send it in. :{
lol... okay?
yay! now go type something in the shoutbox
Now I refuse to talk to you until you join forgehaven!
Lol... I am going to stop forging for a little while until sandbox comes out, so sorry.
V all caps!
And join forgehaven for christs sake!
I mean instant message me... Go to www.dashboard/ and get it.
Oh and btw it would be a lot better if you could IM me about this stuff >.< I use aim and my name is thehawkfh
Omg tho dude, I really don't feel like doing the pics, I'm being lazy right now. So when will you get your box back?
I have to say this map looks amazing, and I disagree with other people saying that it doesn't look smooth. The main thing that caught my eye...
By the way I see you joined monitor built... so go join forgehaven!
Lol dude are u really so lazy u can't do the pics >.< They r so easy!
Woah wait pokemon playa wtf?