oh my gahtoos. how does this have no comments, its looks pro to me. my favorite part is the spider and the sniper cage although i couldnt get out...
I tryed this map out again with more people, its extra fun. I like the sannaa
this is some tight stuff man.
this map is so fun, i played it with 10 people yesterday. talk about CRAZY
looks good for fat kid, no lie
Dude I played thism and it;s insane. Some of my friends assasinated me, though "panzies" but ya, I live with it. Again Awesome map !!!!!!...
cool howdyou get up there
What do you think?
this map looks sick as whatever. thats awsome how you made it kudos
This is so hard, Its so cool though. well some parts aren't that hard
woah this is awsome, i love tricking my friends