007 Golden eye 64, BEST GAME EVER...
Colors are kewl. But different weapon is a gewd idea...
I didn't even klnow that there where birds on the pit...
Thats a glitch for ya.
The graphics are awsome. I like the gameplay more than any other XBOX RTS. The only thing that is wrong with it is those ghey rushing fool that...
They need more anti-infantry in other forms than infantry.
Honestly you might be good and all, but the best way to get good at halo is to get good at the BR by playing MLG. Lesson's are rather ridiculous.
Assembly needs more itemes to place on it. But the tube shield thingies are pretty neat.
I got the Honor Guard Tank, but can you use it in matchmaking?
Just saying Hi.
The down load took like 10 min for me. Also the skulls are way to easy to find.
Just take away their mics and put them on the other team and im fine.
I honestly thought that getting the mythic map pack via Halo Wars LCE is a good idea. Your going to pay 10 dollars for the maps anyways and i...