I agree with Rehnx. These maps have raised the bar for future MLG maps. There are some remakes, old maps, and certainly some creative, new maps....
Looks nice. The aesthetics are really good looking. From what I remember, Joust was a 1v1/2v2 CTF map that had an Egyptian feel? The structures...
Oh, I didn't download the game type. I don't normally download them, I just use the MLG TS settings to play around with my friends. :D It's a...
I think it looks pretty good. It looks like a really fun asymmetrical map. I went out of the map in Forge to get a general layout of it... and I...
You need a reason to play a video game? The point of the map, as stated, was to kill "zombies".
I downloaded it. It looks fun. Some of the jumps and lifts are a little tricky because the space is confined around them, but it looks nice for...
MLG does not use shield doors, unless it's interlocked with the stairs, fence walls, and fence boxes(The host can shoot through them on Xbox Live,...
Uhm, no. There are plenty of great MLG maps that are symmetrical that aren't the same old two-base, two high side-bases, and a middle.