what do you guys mean when i look at it every pic except the turret one are pretty big and abou the number of ships there is one main ship and...
you need to add pics to your post. All of the posts on the site require them
yes the ship is pretty small which i planned from the beginning because i wanted it to all be the same color so i used the walls and barriers and...
looks pretty good i like the idea with the command tower but could camping be a problem there? good infection map ill dl
AMAZING job on the spider and the map is playable too definately earned my dl
UNSC GUADALCANAL This is the Unsc Guadalcanal positioned above the newly dicovered installation02 twenty-five years after the end of the war. THis...
this is a great idea and pretty unique ill give it a dl
THE HALO MUSEUM a map I made after thinking of a unique idea that to my knowledge has never been tried before vehicle exhibit Bungie.net...