It's not built on's floating above the ocean...
There're only two of them I believe and what exactly glitches about them?
1 level? It technically has 4 levels, but I guess the main game play is on the 1st level. What do you mean the coliseum?
Any more feedback?
Spread <3 not </3
I'll add you, would you be able to post the video in your fileshare so I can watch it?
Thanks man, how many people did you test it with? I'm looking to submit it in the forgetacular contest. This is my first Reach forge map...I...
Spawn sides are perfectly even unless you're playing an asymmetrical game type. The map is set up differently for each game type.
They're all soft kill so it gives you the 10 seconds
Safe zones are set so that there is no glitching.
Soooooo this is my (symmetrical?) map. It's pretty awesome. If you test this map with 4v4 team slayer, please let me know! I'm looking to...
Will finish from here...thanks for the help =] Added after 7 Hours 33 minutes: Added the rocket launcher and started building a ramp from the...
1. Did the jets really catch you? I thought I fixed that...the one in the middle just needs to be tilted a little more to fix that. 2. The...
Just looked at the map and I like it a lot. I'll mess with the load outs later...the one you put in will probably be way overpowered.'s a "to-do list" 1. Make airbase exitable via some kind of staircase/lift that wouldn't get in the way of the Falcons. 2. Add a...
I was thinking maybe a teleporter from the covy base to the island that would take longer than the mongoose ramp. It also needs some weapon...
Now make it an assault gametype where the attackers spawn in the *****.
It's around 50% complete. Attackers spawn in the ship and drop down to pick up the bomb. They must blow up the shields to reach the air base....
haha =]