I told you that you suck at sniping, and weeks later I found out you made conquest. lolz :P
Wow, I think I played you in snipers. You lead your team but lost couse they suck. I carried my team :] good game.
This post is not up to the forgehub standards. I suggest you embed your pictures instead of giving hyper links. And give a good brief...
Most people know this but Bungie was going to make for the online multiplayer Brutes instead of Elites. (As spoken by a bungie staff) "They...
Sorry but I don't get what you mean. It's like weapon control on foundry. Unless you didn't like that, I did though. I'm kinda shootin' for...
Hi there, this is my second map presented to forge hub. [IMG] After ODST transports crashed at an abandoned were house town, it was decided to...
Your should consider learning interlocking and geo-merging. I see what you were trying to pull but it seems like one of those "Friend helped me...
I don't know if you guys know this brand but I would prefer Plextor, It's a capture card easy to set up/use and picture comes out not perfectly...
I looks like it would be played well, but not just for looks but for better gameplay, I would suggest learning more advanced interlocking and...
lol it's urk, captain "I POST WAY TO MUCH CRAP ON BUNGIE".
Big win :] I only did the quiz once :] [img] Tsquared You are Tsquared. You are the poster boy of MLG. You have signed a $250,000 pro...
I sure will. Most of my friends are doing so with me so we can experience each other getting our achievements. Tank dropper with golf ball from...
Ok I will, I see a red guy with rouge helmet dying and a blue guy with mark 6 standing next to a flag spawn. It looks obviously like foundry...
I would like if pelicans would have a special transportation use on multiplayer. You couldn't pilot it but you could get in the back and ride...
When I first took a look I thought it would just be another one of those maps my buddy made but then I saw all the pic's This map has Clean...
WOW, I read the whole update and didn't notice that! DUDE, Bungie is so un-predictable! Rofls!
Wow, a lot better than the first remake I saw for sandbox! One thing, is it really that necessary for the flying vehicles? Or do you just want to...
Jordan. Just Jordan, nothing compares, TTFAF is easy. Jordan is on GH2
Very Original, Very Pwnage. This is a crazy map for racing, freaking ghosts, now thats fun. 5 star DL Win. I love it, those interlocks are very...
Nice map, Clean Geo-merging and interlocks. I like the sheild doors in the fence walls, That my friend is epic :] I'ma DL tonight.