>>>>>>>>>>>>>DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ALL<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>Stats Sign Up<<<<<<< Gone [IMG] Ownt [IMG] The Power [IMG] Thats...
I said was a beta meaning just a sample. If enought people thoguht it was a good idea so far i would make a full version
Its does its king of the hill, you cant see it becuase i cantured it and it disapered
This is my first puzzle map i am posting on forge hub. The is sorta a beta, if you guys like it enough ill make add ons to this or make a whole...
i know how to interlock its just this is one of my old maps that i just put on here
This is the first track of three tacks in the race wars series. This is one of my favorite race tracks i made. it has tight turns and quick boost...
Judging by what the people above me and probaly later people below me SICK. The blue one is my background and i just want to say AWSOME !!!
Here are some of my favorite screen shots i took. IF YOU LIKE IT PLEASE DOWNLOAD IT. [IMG] LINK>>Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File...
Why does every map have to have interlokcing. Cant you people relize that interlocking in puzzle maps is stupid because it messes up everything.
This map is fun people, I played on it with GMF and a couple of friends and i mean it was the best. Intence fighting in some areas and the tunnel...
im sorry to say alos but this track sucks. im not trying to be mean here so dont this the worng way. Your new to forge hub and you need to get...
That quater pipe looks so hard to make.
Uhhh i think i will just make it a free for all map and if you guys want you can put a and b signs there i just did want it to look bad. i walk...
Fixed it
Thanks for reminding me about the downlaod link and i ran out of fence walls and reg walls
This map looks so fun cant wait to play it, how long did it take you to make?
This is my first well merged my by my standers. wich are not high. So please bear with me. One team spawns on the top and one team spawns on the...
Tanks guys
[IMG] Please leave a comment on how funny you think this is because i think this is FUNNY THIS IS NOT STAGED!!!!
Ok, this is my own version of duck duck. I got real tired of the infected shoting from that spot soooo. I MADE MY OWN!...