just a quick wallpaper I threw together .... not sure if its good or not ... you decide ... your free to use this if you want... should be...
This is my first post here since 2009 ... :) .... anyway I made up some Backgrounds for my guest account on my computer and figured I would post...
your crying about 50 degrees its like around 0 degrees were i live..... :(
you guys dont have to post 10 .. ;) post only 1 if you want..
ya i have the first one for pc as well .... but i was just stating the platform that i like the games best on... :)
ok so whats your guys favorite games of all time any platform... heres my top ten... (1) Command & Conquer: Red Alert Retaliation (PS1) -- and...
your new to gimp and i made 2 beginner tutorials for gimp.... make sure you watch HD ..... XD video 1 is basically saying how to download gimp...
well i looked forever looking for a template that worked and i couldnt find one so i made one .. i dont know if anyone here really uses youtube...
lol ... i thought the first one was a lot funnier with the sound turned off but that was just me i guess....
basically this is some funny vids i found on youtube ... thought they were hilarious... xbox 360 commercial YouTube- Banned Xbox 360 Commercial...
i hope this is the right thread if not please just move... first off this thread has three separate gametypes in it...i didnt want to post three...
hey thx .. for the advice on resizing the image would want to get infracted for something as simple as a sig.. lol ..
thanks thats actually probably the easiest one i did... lol ,,,, :)
OK these are just some pictures ive done in either my 2-d art class or my painting class in my high school years...( just got out... last year :)...
failed at trying to make sig???? if so just follow my second video step by step and you will get it pretty easy....
heres a tutorial i made for gimp it will explain how to do the sig there and its a free program.... watch the first part to find out about gimp...
thx man... its actually not very open but maybe it would seem like it is to some....... i would have put gameplay in but i'm unfortunately running...
ok man about putting box's in ground at 45 degree angle - this is how i do it. i just use a bridge the flatest part facing the ground at the...
thx man ..... but u got to remember the camo and os ar on 3 min respawn u have to download a budget glitched map or make it yourself should...
thx man try going to forging 101 on here.... should find something about geomerging on there or interlocking w/e your talkin about there... to...