This map looks great to me, its a very unique map because its CTF and like a mini game in my mind. I dont own Reach yet, but after playing the...
youre a poop face
hey hotcake
OBIBITAL wheres my freaking sig?!?!? you told me you would make me one last december!!!
i would like to know how the 2 maps are coming, if you are still making them.
SPAM anywho, this map is definately my second favorite convoy map, the only thing that would make it better would be to give the covanent an...
oh haha well atleast i got you with the right topic.. i like the invincable idea for the humans
I KNOW YOU!!! YOU MADE THAT MINATAUR MAZE thing that would change every time!! i love you! this looks great my only concern is that the...
agreed :D
hmmm, i dont seem to be shown anywhere on the desert package pictures. i believe it was me and my team of joe is outside and another who were...
hahaha completely agree, the spawns are **** and the games never go even, one guy always wins. i like the look and all but i would definately test...
this looks sweet, just add cover for the infected and give them choppers too
alright mr duck face, i see that you dont like plain stone because it bores you. in my book thats racism, you cant just put two different races in...
yes but did you see how open it is, warthog = fail on your part, take those out and take out cover and add like a hill or some building/bridge in...
we just played the map together on a local game on another xbox, thats why you cant see that we downloaded it g. yo man text me now
hey, you thinkin bout that sig for CSX?
i love you
your mic is lagging a little
i would put some smaller barriers down just so it isnt to much blocking your sight
this map looks like a crap map, did you have any ideas when you started forging??? first off i know you might take that offensively but you need...