I make anything from funny to music videos:lol:
looks pretty good but I dont think imma d/l. the only thing that brought me to open this was the name onslaught, i recommend changing that though...
I smiled at the second and third vid... can you check out my Viva La Vida machinima...... There Is the link to the video if this doesn't work correctly. Actors: MAJOR PWND PR0PH3T 0F PAIN A...
delete this please!!! Will A mod please delete this... I'm sorry I f***ed this up... I need to redo it
OK Guys... you caught me... it's in halo 2, but your right- there is no rule saying a screeny can't be from halo 2... and yes, I Took IT! I am the pink guy... (i act in machinimas!)
No it isn't modded, it's in campaign!!! [IMG] please reply and vote in poll
[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]as you can see i draw a lot *blushes*
Good pics 4/5 Damn a force colonel!!!
thank you for the pic man!!!
I see that said that my pic wasn't funny... I hope you realize that you can get reported for voting without replying!!! which you are!!! Enjoy...
hi, and welcome to!!! If you have any questions on the rules or what to do to get started ask me, If you know how to give positive...
I like it... is this ok too?[IMG]
Me being an idiot in campaign lolololol:lol::lol:[IMG]
See, i was going through my lonewolves game in theater mode because I got a sweet kiltrocity and when I got to the kiltrocity I took a screenshot...
[IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Screenshots[IMG] sorry the thing won't work, please don't reply saying that! Just copy and paste the...
Can I have Something with all these stats on it?[IMG][IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Like I said can I have something with all of those stats with this Info:...
Wow. This is gonna be huge for aesthetics. I understand how this would work at right angles, but how did you get the bridge in the ground at a...