I remember a bungie emp saying it would come out for haloween to everybody and on halo reach planet it is listed for only 1c.
Well I have my cousins capture card (don't know for how long, if not long enough I can get some else to finish/do the recording for us) and I am...
Yup used winrar, only thing I use to rar files and extract them. Already tried re downloading the files too.
Every time I run the ELI files it says things couldn't decompress then when running the game I get the runtime error 339 and it can't load colors.txt.
Ew spiderman on the avengers team. Thats just all sorts of wrong.
First do a little bit of forge, then some multiplayer, then off to legendary campaign with friends.
I might try and remake the mlg map amplified and come up with some fun mini game maps, other then that I still don't know.
Pre-ordered it today, payed it all off too, can't wait 8D.
Just wondering, how you get it? Trials arn't available yet which means it isn't yet "released".
You know you can still play with your friends right unless they go to the stimulus play lists, its not like your black listed form playing with...
What $20 game would you be talking about, and yes of course more maps cost more money, its common sense and you shouldn't ***** about it.
Anybody else?
Well I tried with a floating bridge, didnt really work out that great.
Um no your wrong, if you put a starter point up there and a respawn then you will start up there.
Okay guys and gals, I am working on my first ever major map and I have gotten stuck. So far it is either a mlg or a competitive map idk yet lol....
I have to get this a 5/5, downloaded and played once already and its awesome. I will play this around 400 more times in the next week lol. Great...
Debayter have you played the new **** zombie map yet?
Now you should make a remake of the new **** zombie map that came out with the cod5 map pack.
but remember im totally awesome because i got that spree and i havent even played the game yet xD. but i wanna :(
But none of this is compared to my super duper killing spree and I havent even played it hehe.