Everything is fixed with this post now, everything is up to standards and I gots more pictures!
I founs this avatar on teh interwebz, whos draw the line?
This is a map spartarulz536 and I made and its called Secret Manor, or Manor for short. This is the first map I have tried to post on forgehub,...
that layout has been used in almost everyother track. it really has but some parts look like a lot of fun. going to D/L and 4/5
Hints would be nice, i downloaded it and i cant get past the first room. i went into forge and it looks like you just put houses and made this map...
i have just tried this map and it is awesome. I have seen other maps like this but they were not forged as well as you made it. spawn killing...
looks epic and the best assault map i have EVER seen, how did you do it? I could'nt have done something this amazing. 5/5
this looks like alot of fun but as shade9595 said this makes it more complex. Will give it a D/L when you take out that lazer.
i have D/L this and i am not that impressed. the sides are not even i mean they both have one way to get in the bases. The door stairway is way...
love this part in half life and it looks like a lot of fun but maybe make a V2 to make it a little bit better cover wise for the tunnels-5/5 DLing...
very awesome switch. that'll kill the noobs, but wat if u jump over it? will D/L and trick friends. how did u come up wit this, it is so...
awesome map, the hanger is forged so well but the rest isn't. it still looks like fun though. (P.S. i think the name hanger 18 is very appropriate...
why is this in aesthetics? sry to sound mean but anyone could make this and probably better. You could probably make this into a map. no D/L 1/5...
pretty sick looking, i like how you made the stand but one question, is ther a door to get in? anyway i will use this for my clan meetings from...
it looks ok but the ramp is too skinny. if you make a V2 ill try it. (im not a big fan of race maps on standoff)
looks like you fall off too easily. will try but i'm just say it looks a little sloppy on the walls and people will probably get frustrated on...
the interlocking is flawless, and as states in another post that MUST have been a pain in the ass to geomerge those boxes. will D/L and play with...
i cant either, i have the grav hammer and the sword but i cant shoot through the fence wall to hit the fusion coil. PLZ HELP. BTW, dont tell me to...
awesome looking map. Great forging. will D/L and this deserves a 4.5 out of 5. TIP, to bring that up to a 5/5, you just need to fill in some of...
looks pretty good but I could definately help you with your forging. gamrtag- blahman777- anywayz 3/5