this is an amazing aesthetic map but i don't know about game play will have to dl and get back to you. Tree is really cool looking btw I agree...
if staying on your mongoose is an honor rule then you could make it so only vip can drive and that kills dont count as points but assist do so as...
wow this is way better then my attempts at making house like structures normally they turn out horrible with two floors don't know how you got...
this is very cool especially with the lights but i agree that a lot of players don't like lights on competitive maps. It is really just to blame...
this map seems like it could have a lot of potential and if you still think that it needs a lot of work you are obviously going the right way and...
wow i have a map that is just like this except full windows some arches and less of the forrunner crates on the ramps
I agree 100% even if the snipers had 180 sec spawn and no extra clips on a map like this they are overpowered just like the other weapons you put up
Agreed you post once then if you change it like make a v2 you can post it again
This map is diffrent though based off ideas used a lot before. It is good. I like the dock the best. 4/5: Whats up with the slit walls.
This map looks very creative but I agree about the rockets and shotgun. How does that work. 3.5/5: Still nervous bout shotgun and rockets and...
This map is very creative especially the slightly elevated needler platform. Even small things make a big diffrence and you know what those...
Congrats!!! It is definitely feature material. You deserved this.
This map is temple like and sort of reminds me of super smash bros. because of the platforms. 4/5: Needs more variation then what it has.
This map is probably the best crypt map I have seen so far. This was an amazing job and probably feature worthy. Keep the good work up. 4/5:...
This map has a very creative layout and some weird structures. My favorite part is the chopper garage. 4/5: Would like more inside base pictures...
This map does not have the most original design but like it was said earlier all the good designs are used and all you can do is improve on them....
This map is actually really creative I especially liked the pallet bridge guarding the rockets. Nice job really creative keep working 4/5: You...
Yeah i was wondering that myself? Well anyway this map is a very well designed especialy the tempel just amazing job. 4.5/5: There should be a...
This is a very well forged and creative map. I really liked the small shield door entrances. Though I would like to see some weapon info on the...
Payload: This is one of the best remakes that I have seen of shipment and also one of the most creative and aesthicly pleasing remakes period....