I did make it purely because i was bored... so yeah i will take the sloppy...lol
I have not forged for a while, and i am sure someone else has a map like this but here is something i created while i was bored today... It is...
whered grunty creek go? i had like 500 or more downloads on that thing lol
Post your best/ craziest headshots that you have ever seen or done, pics are nice and videos are excelent Mine would have to be when i was...
Re: The Gears of War Map Pack is here... yes, they are all set up for king of the hill/annex, i discovered that king woks better than territories...
Re: The Gears of War Map Pack is here... i had concidered that, maybe i will in the future
I have an Olivia 32" LCD HDTV, Halo 3 Xbox 360, and 5.1 Sorround sound. [img] [img] I also have a 4 TV LAN set up [img]
The inspiration for this undertaking was originally brought up by Brandon505, thanks man. So here they are, after many hours of work i narrowed...
I was not planning on making clocktower or Gridlock anway, so i think ill be ok.
I am workin on a series of Gears of war themed maps to release as a pack of 4 or 5. I have 2 maps done so far, Canals, and Mansion, both have...
Re: Canals *First Remake Of GoW Canals* ive played this one and its great, i made a canals one too but i wont post it out of respect for the original
Re: Canals *First Remake Of GoW Canals* gears is an awesome game, i never thought about making maps from gears, dude you rock, i want to try to...
well the man-cannons "mal-functioned" so their out...
i know i cant do the underground parts but much of the same look and feel has been accomplished, its not perfect but it should play around the...
Today i begin work on my remake of beaver creek and battle creek inside foundry, any ideas to vamp-it-up? ;D
Rocket Ball Sounds fun... ;D
should i make it harder for the rocket team to get to their rockets?
yeah i thought it might turn out unbalanced, but eh, i'm not that good at forge stuff
here it is, hope you all like it, and i hope i didnt do anything too cliche, i havnt really tested it big yet so tell me how it goes......
Well this is my new territories map, still may need a lil bit of tweaking but overall its done....