'FLAGS' on 'A BRIDGE TOO FAR' This map is competitive/casual CTF map built in the sky of Forgeworld. Gameplay focuses heavily on the use of...
Sorry for such a late reply! That sounds really good to me! I'm a huge fan of your channel and would love to do exactly that! I'm at GMT so give...
Thanks for the feedback, and I completely see where both of you are coming from! The one thing at the moment hindering most improvements is the...
By tested i haven't used a full lobby - but the game is set up to withhold 16 players. Thanks for the tip on text, I'll bare that in mind for next...
Shafted on the elevators This is my second map I have created for ForgeHub, and i decided to do something less aesthetic - but none the less it...
Cheers dude, much appreciated.
Hey Guys, so this is my first post onto ForgeHub, though I've been with them for a while - and I thought it was about time (after 3 years) I...
can we use the mythics for posting maps now?
Yea man, but the only problem is that, why do you get to stand on top of it, none of the ships are suppost to do that... or are they?...
hey wond ering if you want to make a map for book of conquest, iv got some good ideas and i would like someone to help me thats on forgehub
im glad that there is so much space to use because in the other well-known one it takes up a bit of space, the geo-merging helps with making maps...
yea, this is pretty good but i had trouble with getting it to work but over all it is an awsome design and well shown
Reaper9546 hahahahahahahahahahahaha Reaper9546 hahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm more than funny, I'm HILARIOUS Reaper9546 hahahahahahahahahahahaha...
heyheyhey got farcry 2 got xbox elite got fable 2 lololololol lololololololol lololololololol lololololololol
suck, i have FarCry 2, got it for christmas as well as the Xbox elite so its faster and got more space lolololol!!! its really hard to get used...
hey reaper, how it going