I was on I got a friend request from you but that's it. Didn't get a game invite or anything Invites went out a couple minutes after 5 afaik, did...
Physics is almost entirely based on the use of rocks. You'll use very little of the physics budget if you d0n't use rocks. Perhaps look at how...
Was fun guys. If anyone wants to add me please do! I need more Halo people. GT: Virunus.
Hey OP if you come back and read this, Mr Waffles137 has a space between Mr and Waffles, its not there in the list so just letting you know. I'm...
Thanks for that. You don't have to swap with me if you don't want to though! Either way I'll be around at the time just in case, I have a friend...
GT: Virunus Halo is the only reason I still have XBL. Hit me up for customs and Forge stuffs.
I'd be interested in hopping in the lobby if there is room. I have a map I'd like to try, but just playing/testing is fun too. It sounds like...
Why are you acting like this is magic and special and we won't have a chance at it again after 30 days? Many, many people have already realized...
And all that could have been Alright. This map is about 90% Impact pieces put together; something I wouldn't normally post here on Forgehub, but...
I love this idea; though there would need to be multiple accounts [A, B, C, etc] to work right. XForgery does that and I loved it. It would make...
Mhm, I realized that after reading some other thread, and I will update and repost this with that as well as a couple other fixes when the halo 4...
My only complaint is how you did the ramps in the center structure, they weren't like that in the original, and they stick out a bit, looks a bit...
Get some pictures posted man. You were told already.
Why link to the other forums? Just put everything here.
Actually, yeah, that's a good but simple idea. I'm surprised I didn't realize this, as I basically noticed that trait zones override gametype...
Use trip mines. They explode. Fusion coils do not. Edit: It's silly, but I was playing with it. Falling fusion coils do not cause any real sound...
I'm sorry, but if the prefab buildings work, he shouldn't change them. Just because it's not made of a bunch of building blocks doesn't mean it's...
I got it working. Look in my sig.
I doubt the global limit will play a big factor though, honestly. It's high enough :P
Try moving the ordiance drop up just slightly. I noticed when placing a weapon down [not ordinance] I had to punch it to make it able to be picked...